21 Dec 2021

TIL about distinct (or opaque) types

In TypeScript, type aliases are just names for another type, for example:

type CustomerId = number;
type OrderId = number;

Because both are numbers, TypeScript treats them as compatible, interchangeable, or transparent. You could have a function that takes a CustomerId and pass it an OrderId instead, and TypeScript would not complain.

However, semantically this makes little sense. They may both be represented numbers, but they are two different types. In the domain we’re modeling, they are distinct.

I’ve learned this through watching Scott Wlaschin’s talk “Domain Modeling Made Functional”. Scott uses F#, where you can wrap a type to make it distinct.

Trying to find out how this would work in TypeScript, I found this blog post by Charles Pick from 2017 — and it seems like TypeScript still does not have any native support for opaque types.

And thus for TypeScript to recognize two types as incompatible, they need to be structurally different. Charles’ suggestion, therefore, is to use intersections that add a unique property to your base type, effectively making it opaque.

But if I’m adding a property… does this work for primitives?

It does! TypeScript seems to have no issues with intersections between a number and an object type 🤷‍♂️. The secret is that we’re not actually adding the property to the values we’re storing; we’re just adding them to the type and casting the primitive to our new distinct one.

type CustomerId = number & { _type: 'CustomerId' };
type OrderId = number & { _type: 'OrderId' };

const makeCustomerId = (id: number) => id as CustomerId;
const makeOrderId = (id: number) => id as OrderId;

In this example, the CustomerId and OrderId types are no longer compatible, and once a primitive number is cast to either, it won’t be accepted where the other is expected.

The downside is that we explicitly need to create or at least cast these values, but, as Scott mentions in his talk, this only needs to happen at the boundaries of your application — following user input, or receiving data from a database or network request. The advantage here is that we can use the point of creation also as point of validation; making sure the values follow specific constraints.

Happy (static) typing!
