A hermit crab walking in its shell across the sand
A hermit crab must also find a new home when she outgrows the old one. Photo by Jehu Christian on Unsplash.

Making a Home on the Web

Hej you, welcome to my personal website! šŸ¤—

For the greater part of the last 6 years, this here was nothing more than a digital business card. It was ever so hastily updated every once in a while, any time I applied to a new job ā€” just to make sure there was nothing obviously embarassing on it.

But in December 2020, while I was stuck in quarantine for more than a week, I got the sudden urge to make something out of this site.

The last year has taken a toll on nearly every person I know, in some way or another. Things we took for granted ā€” things we assumed to be under our control ā€” turned out not to be under our control at all.

In the isolation, and with very few local contacts after moving to the Netherlands in 2019, Iā€™ve also been craving for community, both online and offline ā€” a sense of community I havenā€™t found on Twitter or any of the other go-to ā€œsocialā€ places on the web.

And so in the midst of this, Iā€™ve decided to carve out my own little space in the universe of personal websites. Itā€™s not a lot, but itā€™s something I can control. Itā€™s a place where I can safely experiment, make mistakes, and battle my own perfectionism, on my own terms. Iā€™m joining many people in a renaissance of the personal website, and Iā€™m excited and curious where this is headed.

On the technical side, I went with the times and dropped the likes of Gatsby and Next (which I value highly for other purposes) for Eleventy, an old-fashioned (but not old!) static site generator. Itā€™s great. So much just works out of the box, and it was a strange pleasure to just write some HTML, some Markdown, and plain CSS.

Itā€™s so fast, I even took the libery of adding some web fonts into the mix.

There's a strange joy in the simple, especially if my daily work involves so much complexity.

I am not sure yet what to make of this site. Evidently, what you are reading right now is something of a blog article. Iā€™ve tried blogging multiple times, and it always took the same turn as going on a diet or visiting a gym: it did not stick for very long.

As with any habit, I reckon itā€™s because I didnā€™t see the benefits of it quickly enough. This time, therefore, I will not force it, but will take it as it comes and chiefly try to blog for myself. Specifically, I will try to record the small things Iā€™ve learned and made, and thus create a sort of journal I can return to.

The topics that typically occupy my mind are in the realms of productivity, tooling, the intersection of engineering and design, and life as a developer outside of the technical; but there are personal things Iā€™d like to share, too, such as the books Iā€™m reading.

In the meantime, while I figure all this out, why donā€™t you take a seat? Please make yourself at home. Bring friends. Wil je een kopje koffie?
